

First blog post!

Hi everybody,
this is my official, finally here, first, real blog post. Long in the making, I know, not like those imposters down the screen.
Well, first and foremost I want to thank all of you who showed up at my various going-away parties. If well-wishes are accumulative, this whole trip should be a breeze for sure. If it isn't a breeze, I will track down the well-wishing fakers once I get back.

Not much to report yet, I arrived in my hotel in Madrid.
First time for me in Spain, and 3 things already stood out:
1) The weather: It's supposed to get as hot as Boston today, but unlike Boston, at 10 in the morning it's still very cool!
2) The footwear: Very Roman (I'll try to get a picture of them)
3) Hmmm ... the women ;)

For now, I will lie down a bit and maybe watch TV. Great, the only German channel is QVC. WTF.
More to come later!

1 comment:

  1. I love Spain! Check out Barcelona. If I could live anywhere it would be there! Love the weather, beaches, TAPAS!!!! Enjoy learning the flamenco with a nice lady! Madrid is cool too! Viva Ralpha!
