

Hola! Como estas?

It's my last day in Madrid, so I might as well make a quick blog post and post some pictures! (they have free Wifi at the place I'm staying :)

Madrid is quite nice I have to say! BTW, whatever comment I had made about the cool temperatures, that only holds in the morning. Once afternoon comes around the temps are scorching! As a result, yesterday was spent mostly in museums: The Museo del Prada (lots of paintings, most notably one called "San Bernado y la virgen", which had me double-take once I realized the painting wasn't scratched), and the archaeological museum. After that I spent the evening watching the abysmal Germany-Japan game in an Irish bar. I guess one of the benefits of being a dual citizen is that I can shamelessly root for the US now. Go USA! Today's game against Brazil was really excellent, and well-deserved.

Well, now for some pictures:
Til next time! Next stop is Barcelona.


1 comment:

  1. Isn't the hot part of the day what the siesta is for? Wish we could have siestas back here in Boston (curse you, Puritans!) Don't O.D. on all that Jesus art -- after too many paintings of saints in their martyrdom I start to get a little nauseated.

